This is a little frightening. Baring my soul on the world wide web for all the world to see. But what shall I say? Will I be boring? Will I be outrageous? Will anyone care? Aw, what the hell!
So today is the first day of the transit strike in NYC. I'm on vacation so it matters not to me. Even if I weren't on vacation it wouldn't matter since I work at home. All is business as usual. Up at 8:00 am. Checked out my window to see if any buses were running. They weren't so I figured the strike was on. Watched all the NY news channels and the poor people waiting on line at the LIRR, walking over the Brooklyn Bridge or stuck in traffic. I saw my landlord leave on his bike. I got an email from him at his work so he obviously made it over the bridge.
I'm glad I went into the city yesterday. Met with my old friend from high school. He has beautiful new offices. I also met some of his staff. They seemed non-plussed at meeting me. Rather eerie. They just stared. We went to lunch and I talked way too much. I need to get out and meet people more so I don't overload my poor friends when I meet them occassionally. I get so excited that people are listening to me that I just start babbling. I plan on apologizing to him in an email. Silly me. It did point out to me though that I should work on my stand-up routine. All about being single. I think it's funny and so do friends.
After lunch, I walked around the city. Bought a movie poster for Heather. Stopped at Zara's and tried on some pants. A little too low-slung for my taste. Plus I just feel so flabby lately. I want to be in better shape but don't want to exercise. What a dilemma. Stopped at evil Starbuck's to warm up and waste time before heading to a movie. $3.75 for a medium hot chocolate. Evil. I then hung out at the Angelika before seeing Capote. I liked it but was not overwhelmed by PSH's performance. He had all the moves down but what I always loved about Truman was his fragility. And I never got that from PSH. The actor who played opposite him as the killer was excellent. I'll need to find out more about him. He was most incredible.
Had good train luck coming home. Stopped by Heather and John's to drop off the poster. Heather was off at a seminar so just visited with John. He was not looking forward to the strike.
Came home and watched part 1 of "The Lost Prince". Rather dry but good performances by actors I like.
I went on Onion Personals and winked at someone. It's an actor I have seen and like. I have yet to hear anything but I'll keep checking.
I feel like I'm writing what I did on my summer vacation. Banal. To the point. Boring. Let's publish this for now and see what we have.